Monday, March 30, 2009

Why expose my eyes and ears to that?

Someone asked me why I am posting (on the left side of the page) internet links to the right and the left? It is really as simple as that I believe in hearing both sides of any story. I pray that any and everyone of us can see the difference if given the chance. My concern about echo chambers and group think has much to do with those who never risk hearing those they have been told are wrong.

I have twice been told that I am wrong because "You've been listening to Rush Limbaugh". I told them that I listened to a wide variety of opinions, but was sure they never listened to Rush Limbaugh. I have also heard and read a large number of left leaders and talk show hosts say they "never watch Fox News, because fox just lies and pimps for the right". They "never watch" and I'm supposed to believe they know what they are talking about. Sorry, but that tactic lost its effect in junior high school and if someone never watched a left-leaning show and said they knew what was on them, I'd be just as skeptical.

Left-right is not the real issue. I recently found myself amazed that I agreed with William Greider of The Nation when he wrote that "If Wall Street gets its way, the "reforms" may further consolidate power and ratify a corporate state--a grotesque hybrid that combines the worst aspects of socialism and capitalism. The reform ideas announced by Geithner (Treasury Secretary Geithner) would plant the seeds by creating a "systemic risk" regulator, presumably the Federal Reserve, to oversee the largest, most politically adept banks and financial firms that qualify as "too big to fail."

Greider felt we were risking much by consolidating the power of the government and Wall Street. He is on the left and I believe those thoughts are respected on the right. The important point is not right or left, rather it is right or wrong.

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