Saturday, May 9, 2009

My new found political correctness

In reading another blog, which I have had a link to under my "exit stage left" section on the side of my page, I found that the author of the Daggatt Blog was chastising those who would dare question global climate change, evolution, his torture opinion or whether our approaches to economic depression in the 1930's or now were for the best. His posting suggested that those who hold opposing opinions are doing so without any facts and only a few kooks disagree with what is obviously the truth about these subjects.

This is truly what I have been talking about in my comments about political correctness and an unwillingness to engage in honest debate. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot and should be quiet.
Therefore, I left the following comment on his blog.

I must apologize for not having paid attention when the theory of evolution was declared gospel and, oh, that's right, Al Gore did tell me there could be no further discussion about 'global climate change'. Didn't the word warming have something to do with that at one time? Therefore, I must also be wrong about having the right to debate things such as the best way to combat economic depressions, etc.

Since it is now obvious to me that you have all the answers and can determine when everyone else is no longer permitted to dissent, I'll just check in with your blog and our new government when I need to know what to think. Thanks for correcting my objectionable behavior.

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